Scheduling Tips
Let us know of any special occasion or request.
If you're having a function or party and need us to be done at a specific time, let us know so we can give your home the attention it deserves.
We don't like to rush any job and want to give every house quality time.
If you recently had some remodeling in your home and it needs extra attention that may take longer than usual, please let us know.
Don't schedule multiple services on the same day as your cleaning. For example; movers, painters, carpet cleaning or remodeling.​

Cleaning Preperations

Remove any clutter, so we can clean all surfaces.
Pick up clothes and kids toys.
Make sure sink is cleared of any dishes.
Find a good spot for your pets so they are safe and comfortable while we clean.
If we have to do any of these things we may have to add an additional charge by the hour.
Payment is due the day of cleaning. If payment has not already been arranged, just leave cash or check on the kitchen counter.

Cancellation Notice
We have a 48-hour cancellation policy. If you are considering changing your cleaning appointment or canceling your appointment, I will be happy to do so as long as you give me a minimum of 48 hours. Please respect us and our time, as I will always do so for you. Thank you all for your support and understanding. And thank you for letting us take care of your homes.